Never gardened before? Leaf the work to us with our gardening guide & seasonal material boxes.
Guide To Maintaining a Garden
1. Find a Good Location

It is essential that your location has direct sunlight in some capacity. Fruits typically need about five to six hours of direct sunlight to grow, while some vegetables and herbs can grow in partial shade. If your garden location is mostly shaded, you’ll want to consider leafy greens (arugula, kale) or root vegetables (potatoes, carrots), as they don’t require as much sunshine. You should also pick a spot that will be easily accessible for you to water regularly, weed, and pick your harvest.

2. Determine What to Plant

Be mindful of your garden space and climate you're in so you choose the right plants.

3. Prepare the Garden Area

You'll need a clear patch of weeds and sod and loosen the soil.

4. Purchase Gardening Supplies

Refer to the list of essentials section below.

5. Prepare Planting Beds

Prepare the soil or plant beds by taking a newspaper or cardboard box and laying it down as your garden bed, using small pieces of carbon materials (vegetable scraps, peat moss, freshly cut grass) one-inch thick over your base, adding another layer of nitrogen materials (straw, coffee grounds, dry leaves), and repeating the process at least twice or as many times as needed to fill your garden bed, but you’ll want at least four inches of organic compost.

6. Begin Planting
Gardening Essentials